


Jonathan, did you regret to help me with taking over the Perzis group?」,羅妙楓望向她帶進集團的資安室主任,Jonathan Malzer,也就是HackerBase上的JM608,傳說中的灰帽駭客。


No, Karen. I remembered the first time we met. You just lost your husband, Conzer, about three months and were quite depressed. I was so surprised that as an internist, you had kept the amazing balance between your work and life. Your boy, Jerry, was so well-educated that I realized you should be my partner in real life.」,Malzer回覆羅妙楓之後,倒抽了一口氣。


Why you thought I should be your partner? Are you flushed?」,羅妙楓有些不解。


Yeah, I’m just a little bit emotional. When I saw you at the first sight, I could tell you suffered from serious events, which might change your life afterward. I thought you might collapse at any time but after a few months, out of my expectation, you survived. Then, I was determined to pursue you; even I was not that sure if I would succeed.」,Malzer拿起咖啡杯,一飲而盡。


You’ve really observed me well. After all, my husband just died, out of liver cancer. I didn’t know who I could rely on, especially when I needed to work and raise my boy at the same time.」,羅妙楓頓了一下,「You certainly did me a great favor. By the way, do you think it’s strange that the police officer named Gilbert didn’t ask us to make the testimony for further investigation on the shift of the management for Perzis group?


Mmm…After they knew the relationship between us, that was weird. Gilbert doesn’t seem to be someone giving up easily; I thought he was suspicious of us, but without evidence which would prove himself right. It was no wander he couldn’t find anything when I set those worms destroying themselves in an hour after they completed their tasks.」,Malzer露出了得意的微笑。


It’s smart. But how could you control the worms in those computers of Perzis group and the hospital?」,羅妙楓開始對Malzer的手法感到好奇。


That was why I needed your schedule about your plan when you asked me to help. According your schedule, those worms would be activated on random dates, started to interfere the operations of those computers. They were highly cooperative: some were responsible for cyberattacks, some were responsible for being decoys and some were responsible for sneaking into the cores of the operating systems of the servers, even the mainframes. After they took over the those machines, we could do something we wanted quietly.」,Malzer簡短的說明,彷彿在陳述一件雞毛蒜皮般的小事。(下期待續...)



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